Climate & Development Finance: What Works?


With the world moving from global warming to “global boiling,” in United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres’s dramatic description, there is more urgency than ever to unlock the capital needed for the transition to a net-zero economy. That will mean not only increasing funding commitments, but also deploying financing for climate and sustainable development in the most efficient and effective way possible. While the development community knows what it needs to do, the question now is how to do it.  

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Moderator: Jo Coburn
4:00 PMOpening Keynote Address
  1. Thomas Östros, Vice-President of the European Investment Bank
Session One – Fixing Finance
Public financial institutions play a key role in combating the climate crisis and creating the roadmaps for sustainable investments across entire economies, be it by funding the transition from fossil fuels, financing climate adaptation, or “greening” private enterprise, among other critical initiatives. How are MDBs and other financier organizations stepping up to the plate to avoid catastrophic global warming and responding to calls for ambitious financing reforms?
4:05 PMOpening Remarks
  1. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Director-General of the World Trade Organization
4:10 PMPanel Discussion:
  1. Bertrand Badré, Former Managing Director of the World Bank and CEO and Founder of Blue like an Orange Sustainable Capital
  2. Bogolo Kenewendo, Special Adviser and Africa Director for the UN High-Level Climate Champions
  3. Iván Duque Márquez, Former President of Colombia
  4. Nancy Saich, Chief Climate Change Expert at the European Investment Bank
4:50 PMClosing Remarks
  1. Laurence Tubiana, CEO of the European Climate Foundation
4:55 PMBreak
Session Two – Climate-Forward Sustainable Development
Eight years after the international community adopted the Sustainable Development Agenda, few today would argue that the world is on track to achieve all 17 goals by 2030. Nonetheless, through green development strategies that also happen to deliver benefits to public health, education, food security, and other priority issues, there is still hope of making up for lost time.
5:25 PMOpening Remarks
  1. Achim Steiner, Administrator of the United Nations Development Programme
5:28 PMOpening Video
  1. Ambroise Fayolle, Vice President of the European Investment Bank
5:30 PMPanel Discussion:
  1. Ani Dasgupta, President and CEO of the World Resources Institute
  2. Katharine Hayhoe, Chief Scientist at The Nature Conservancy
  3. Eila Kreivi, Chief Sustainable Finance Adviser at the European Investment Bank
  4. Vera Songwe, Chair of the Liquidity and Sustainability Facility and Co-Chair of the High-Level Expert Group on Climate Finance
6:10 PMClosing Remarks
  1. Mark Malloch-Brown, Former Deputy United Nations Secretary-General, Former Co-Chair of the UN Foundation, and President of the Open Society Foundations

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  1. Many people here at the bank agree that this was the most professional looking, well moderated, and entertaining event we have supported or participated in... The speakers were top-level and highly knowledgable throughout, and the whole design was very slick.

    Dirk Heilmann
    Photo of Dirk Heilmann

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